Jersey’s best pizza toppings are ranked here. Mangia!
We all know that the best pizza is made in New Jersey. Pizza is so beloved here that it was the very first topic discussed on New Jersey 101.5 and we're still arguing about it.
But what goes best on a pizza? Now that's another story and we've got that story right here.
One of the questions I asked Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciatarelli when he called me on New Jersey 101.5 was what he liked on his pizza. His answer: anchovies no cheese. This was after he made fun of the way Gov. Murphy eats his pizza.
Not sure what the governor likes on his pizza but since broccoli is his favorite Jersey vegetable, I could see that on a white pie. Although I would suggest broccoli rabe. Don't knock it until you've tried it.
According to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, pepperoni topped New York's rankings of pizza toppings. Maybe the millions of New Yorkers who continue to move here every day will bring that love with them.
Here in New Jersey, I took a Facebook pizza topping poll of my following which is maxed out at 5000. Personally, I like eggplant on a red pizza. When you think about it , it the same as eating an eggplant parm sandwich.
On white, I would recommend sausage and broccoli rabe but you've got to remove the stems and really chop up the rabe.
Also, and I'm surprised no one does this. Try Proscuitto, fresh mozzarella, and red roasted peppers on a white pie. It is to die for!
Do NOT, if you're from New Jersey put pineapple on a pizza. That should be against the law, although I must confess I did try peeps on a pizza. I even called it "peepsa." I then went to confession.
Out of the 145 people who posted their answer to the question "If you could only have one topping on a pizza, what would it be? Here's the list in order of votes
1. Sausage
2 Pepperoni
6. Onions
7. Pineapple
8. Money ...I imagine it would be folded, at least while it's being eaten
9. Bacon
10. Pork Roll
Honorable mentions Chicken, Shrimp, Red roasted peppers, red onion, broccoli, garlic, spinach, jalapenos.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise. Any opinions expressed are Steve's own. Steve Trevelise is on New Jersey 101.5 Monday-Thursday from 7pm-11pm. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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