Jersey Farmer’s Markets — Why every resident should be proud
Since two of my kids have moved to southern states, I asked them about the farm markets in Texas and North Carolina. I was just curious if they have what we have here.
No they don't!
In fact you can travel to many of the lower 48 states and not find what we have here in New Jersey when it comes to local farm/market/garden centers. There are some in other Northeastern states here and there, but like here.
There are so many, mostly run by families for several generations and they're worth a visit, especially this time of year. Local produce like asparagus and strawberries are already in, and hothouse Jersey tomatoes are also on the stands.
When you taste the local stuff, you wonder how you ever ingest the other stuff the rest of the year. I've had local produce in other states and even in Italy and France where they're pretty proud and sometimes snooty about their stuff, and ours is better hands down!
Go buy it. Eat it. Appreciate it. New Jerseys' is the best!
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