Jack Ciattarelli lays out a plan to fix NJ Transit
I called out candidates for governor today to explain their plans for making NJ Transit more efficient and effective. As we all know NJ Transit has become increasingly more difficult to work with as taxpayers and commuters.
After hearing me lament that fact that I haven't heard a comprehensive plan from the politicians, Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli took the time to call in and explain his position. He's got a plan. He's got his priorities straight and agrees with me that the bureaucrat and political appointees should be held accountable for mismanagement over the years. Someone should get fired.
I want to applaud Jack for his willingness to step up and be counted as a voice of reason and accountability when it comes to public taxpayer money. He aggressively stood up to the state house renovation boondoggler and has been strong in his opposition to the lack of priorities for the TTF.
We will be hearing from Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno before the Tuesday election but she's currently out of state mourning the loss of her mom who died over the long Holiday weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with my friend Kim as she buries her mother on Thursday.
We will also be hearing from several candidates on the Democratic side as the primary looms. Don't expect to hear from Democratic front runner Phil Murphy however as he's been hiding behind his high priced consultants since he announced.
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