College graduation has come and gone. Are you a grad looking for a job or thinking about switching careers? According to the latest New York Fed Survey of Consumer Expectations, you may have to set your sights high when it comes to salary expectations.

The survey by the New York Fed says that workers expect a bigger pay raise to make a job switch compared to the Great Resignation era.

What's the Magic Number?

As of March 2024, college graduates are looking for a baseline salary of at least $99,000 to bid farewell to their current gig. On the other hand, people without a college degree won't jump ship for anything less than $68,390. This tells me that the job market is changing. People are needing more money to make ends meet in today's unstable economy.

The Great Resignation Lives On

Some reports suggest that The Great Resignation is a thing of the past, but the New York Fed's survey tells a different story. The New York Fed Survey reveals that many job seekers have already begun to look.

The survey shows that more people have been job hunting in the past month, which means that people are looking for something new. Men over 45 and without a college degree are the main ones thinking about making a career change.

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Looking for Six-Figure Salaries? Good Luck!

If you're looking to get a six-figure salary, you may want to get ready for a reality check. The average job offer in March 2024 was only $73,668, which is a long way from $100,000 a year.

Let's face it, getting a six-figure job isn't easy. Salary expectations are going up but the job offers are not. It could be a tough call if your trying to make your way up the ladder in the job market.

Experts Reveal the 50 Best US Cities For Starting a New Career

According to WalletHub, the best cities to launch a career were evaluated based on 26 key metrics, including the availability of entry-level jobs, average monthly starting salary, and housing affordability. For a complete look at WalletHub's methodology, see the link in the #1 city. Let's countdown the 50 Best US Cities For Starting a New Career.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

25 Iconic Actors at the Start of Their Careers vs. Now

Stacker took a look at the highlights of 25 iconic actors' careers, including photos of them now compared to when they got their start.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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