Did you know about 35% of adults in New Jersey have never been married? There’s a lot of single people in the Garden State.

That means a lot of dating apps, a lot of longing and a lot of disappointment. Because it turns out New Jersey is among the worst states to be if you’re single.

That’s according to a study just out. Of all the states where it’s sucky to be single, we are the 11th suckiest.

Spokeo crunched a lot of data to come up with their rankings of all 50 states.

They looked at things like states more or less likely to ghost someone. States that had higher or lower romance scam crimes. Unemployment rates. Hey, it’s hard to date with no income, let’s face it. Several other categories as well.

SEE ALSO: In NJ, frustrated millennials living with parents

When all was said and done, the top three best states to be single? Massachusetts No. 1, Mississippi No. 2 (really?), and Louisiana No. 3. I guess Mississippi has an advantage because it’s not acceptable in other states to use pickup lines at family reunions. But I digress.

Now for the bad news.

New Jersey as stated is near the bottom of the barrel for dating. For one thing, we can’t trust anybody. We are in the top 10 (ninth place) in romance scams. And we’re in the middle of the pack for rude ghosting: 26th among 50 states.

Also, while it’s not part of Spokeo’s methodology, I just have to think who has the time here? We in New Jersey are all working our butts off just to afford to live with the outrageous rents and home costs, groceries, taxes, etc.. Half the people I know are putting in more than 40 hours a week on their main jobs then have side hustles to boot.

If it makes us singles feel any better about things, we’re not the worst. Those are…

50 — Florida

49 —  Arizona

48 —  Nevada

47 —  West Virginia

46 —  Idaho

45 —  Texas

44 —  Montana

43 —  Arkansas

42 —  Washington

41 —  Alaska

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

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30 neighborhoods in NJ where richest families live

These ZIP codes in New Jersey have the highest percentage of households earning more than $200,000 in annual income, meaning these are the neighborhoods were the wealthiest families are most likely to live. The figures are based on 5-year data by the U.S. Census American Community Survey as of 2021.

Gallery Credit: New Jersey 101.5

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