Is the Earth trying to kill us? I’m worried about NJ
There's a school of thought that the Earth, Gaia is an organism unto itself — with its own goals, its own personality and its own lifeforce. And if so, it seems to be actively treating us as a malignant infection, Jim says.
Everyone knows about the devastation in Hawaii. Jim's worried about what happens when Pennsylvania becomes beachfront property.
That's all in the Jim Gearhart Show podcast, available here as well on iTunes and Google Play.
And that's just part of what Jim takes on in the latest installment of his podcast. Check out the full episode to hear the rest. And email Jim at
The Jim Gearhart Podcast is available every week on New Jersey 101.5 and in the New Jersey 101.5 app. You can also subscribe with your favorite podcasting app for iPhones, Android devices or your computer:
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Love podcasts? Also check out Forever 39, Annette and Megan's podcast about turning 40 — and loving life along the way. This week, they discuss why distracted driving is on the rise.
And on Speaking Millennial, Bill, Jay, and Jessica are joined by comedian Noah Houlihan to talk about his very particular niche in the comedy world: performing at Comic-Cons, Anime Conventions, and other "nerd-heavy" places.
— Townsquare Media staff
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