Insanely unique baby names from the year you were born
I don’t hate my name, but I don’t exactly love it either. The year I was born there were 894 male babies born in the state of New Jersey that were named Jeffrey and I was one of them. It was the 16th most popular baby boy name in the Garden State.
By the year 2000 it wasn’t even in New Jersey’s top 50 and nationally where it was once 10th today is not even in the top 400.
In other words, in another 20 years all anyone will need to know is my first name to know I’m an old man. Much like Egbert or Horace today. Yikes!
Now some people enjoy having a name few have. Some embrace a name that was never common at any age. Do you remember the unique name George Constanza on “Seinfeld” invented in case he ever had a baby girl?
It was Seven. (And, of course, an expecting couple he was friends with stole the name for their daughter and outrage ensued.)
I checked on the U.S. Social Security site and found Seven isn’t even in the Top 1,000 names. So yes, it would be that unique.
The folks at Stacker had some fun and looked at the least-used names for over a 70-year period. Least-used was defined as only given to five or fewer babies in a given year. So here are some of the most unique names in American history from each year starting with 1950.
Find the one from your birth year and have some fun imagining what you could have gone through life as.
LOOK: Unique baby names from the year you were born
Gallery Credit: Stacker
LOOK: Baby names that are illegal around the world
Gallery Credit: Annalise Mantz
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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