How you can make a difference in New Jersey’s future (Opinion)
It's disappointing when good people get so desperate that they will partner with anyone to hold onto a job. That is my simple assessment of what is happening with Congressman Chris Smith.
As I have written before, Chris is a friend but his voting record deserves scrutiny and criticism. If Chris can defend his votes for the Biden/Pelosi agenda, then he should do that in an open and contested primary. The fact that he is relying on insiders like Bill Palatucci, Bob Hugin and Sean Golden to protect him shows how weak he has become as a candidate.
Enter Mike Crispi. An outsider with a media and business background who has the support of members of former President Trump's team and has the energy and skills to represent New Jersey well.
But that is my personal assessment. I'm not a voter in the 4th Congressional District so I can't participate. The people who need to decide between the two men who are occupying Columns A and B on the ballot are the residents of the district. Many of whom are brand new as the "cabal of corruption" rears its head every 10 years to redraw district lines in order to make them safer for the incumbents.
In this case, the plan may have backfired as the District is overwhelmingly pro-Trump and 45 has called for Chris Smith to be defeated.
The real record of Tom Kean Jr.
In the northwestern part of the state, the insider Republicans are desperate to protect the Kean family and are pulling out all the stops to get Tom Kean Jr. elected.
The problem is that they are ignoring the voters by actively suppressing the real record of the man. Kean was the GOP head in the state Senate throughout the Murphy lockdowns and mandates over the past two years. He did nothing. No pushback, no support for small businesses and families being crushed by the governor's action. Nothing.
Even recently, he's playing catch up to those more successful and willing to actually stand up and fight.
After we successfully launched a "citizen-signer" Parental Bill of Rights generating more than 23,000 letters to the Legislature in a week, Kean stepped in with a tweet about supporting parents and launched his own survey. What a joke.
His voting record shows something other than support for parents, kids, and businesses. His voting record is on display on this website, but mysteriously, the links back to the legislative site are no longer working ... hmmm.
Kean's top challenger, Phil Rizzo, fresh off raising close to a quarter-million in the past 90 days, joined me to discuss the race and the battle against the insiders.
So despite the incumbent Congressman in the 4th siding with Biden and Pelosi and despite the state senator who did nothing to stand up for you during the lockdowns, the New Jersey GOP insiders are desperate to manipulate the process in order to protect their guys. New Jersey voters deserve better. It's time to sack the morally bankrupt bullies in the state party. It starts by sacking their shills running for office.
If you are an "unaffiliated" voter, you can show up on June 7 and vote in the GOP primary. Then if you want, you can switch back to unaffiliated by sending in this form.
If you are a registered Republican, don't fall for the slick mailers and endorsements. Look at the real voting record of the two guys being propped up by the insiders and compare them to the outsiders asking for your vote.
You will see that the opportunity to change the GOP into a strong opposition to the current Democratic majority in New Jersey is huge. But ya gotta vote!
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.

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