How many of these 67 movies shot in New Jersey have you seen?
There is a fun list below you can get lost in. Whether it was just a few states or nearly the entire project many movies were filmed here in New Jersey over the years.
With tax incentives drawing in more filming than ever and large production studios being planned we are very much becoming Hollywood East. Think about how perfect our state is. You need beach scenes we have them. You need woods or mountains? Plenty. Cities? Check. Suburbs? Check.
New Jersey has it all. We are a location scout’s wet dream.
Below is a list of 67 movies that were shot here. Among them is one that shot a scene right in my hometown of Rahway. 2003’s “School of Rock” starting Jack Black and Joan Cusak.
It’s the scene near the end of an exterior shot of the theater where the battle of the bands competition is taking place. That theater is actually the Union County Performing Arts Center. It sits at 1601 Irving Street. You know what it used to be? The Rahway Theater, an old movie theater that had its roots as a vaudeville venue and silent movie house that opened in 1928.
If you grew up here this might bring back a lot of memories. How many of these 67 movies shot in New Jersey have you seen?
LOOK: Which movies were filmed in New Jersey?
Gallery Credit: Stacker
Famous NJ people from A to Z (almost)
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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