How and where to see Perseid meteor shower in NJ this week
Nature puts on a heck of a light show every year in the form of the Perseid meteor shower. It goes on for days, and many years the conditions are better to see these shooting stars than they will be this summer. When conditions are right, at the peak you can see as many as 60 per hour streaking through the night sky. That's a lot of wishes to make!
Unfortunately this year luck would have it that right at the peak the moon will be in a very bright phase and all that light will make them harder to see.
So here's some help.
While the peak will happen Aug. 12 and Aug. 13, you'll have less intrusive moonlight if you start looking now through Friday Aug. 9. Also you have a chance of seeing these meteors racing through the night sky almost anywhere in New Jersey, but your best vantage point will be away from man-made light. The darker the better. So get away from cities, even suburbs, and go rural. A huge park with little light is best. Think of areas like High Point, NJ or the Pine Barrens. Also, the best time is after midnight into the pre-dawn hours.
Now if police should ask why you're lurking in dark places at 1 o'clock in the morning, hey, you're on your own!
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