Here’s the funniest Halloween display I saw this weekend
Sunday morning I suggested to my wife we take all the kids over to Shafer Farm in Flemington to have a little fall experience, go through the corn maze, etc.. Then the weather got dicey. By the time we were going to go it was raining, so we changed plans.
Instead we just went through the Dunkin' drive-thru and got the kids all pumpkin doughnuts and hot chocolate and drove to Lambertville. My wife heard some houses there go all out for Halloween and that N. Union Street is especially amazing.
A lot of houses had animatronics but they were off and covered up with tarps because of the rain. No matter. We had fun anyway. My wife took some pictures of some great homes, but my favorite one was playing it for laughs and not scares.
Their concept was simple. Scary First World Problems. You know, when we've been a bit spoiled so we act like little things are big things?
Some examples.
Yep, not having a cell signal when all your friends have already seen the latest viral video can be a frightening experience.
Ah, the empty toilet paper, especially when you're at her place on a first date.
When your biggest problem is you have no cool side of the pillow or your nails aren't perfect, you know you've got it good.
My favorite of all is this one on anti-vaxers. Although honestly with the comeback of measles and other diseases due to parents foolishly dropping vaccines, this one actually IS scary.
If you see a Halloween display you like, could you do us a favor and share some photos with us? Even if it's your own that you're just proud of! The funny, the spooky, the all-together-ooky; we'd love to see 'em all!
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