Grade Murphy’s 100 days and describe in 1 word
If you count his inauguration day, Wednesday is 100 days of Phil Murphy as your governor. It's been a time honored tradition to assess governors and presidents at their 100 day mark. Where is Murphy standing in the polls while he still has that new car smell about him? In a Monmouth University poll released this week he stands as New Jersey's 3rd most popular governor only behind Brendan Byrne and Tom Kean. That's not bad, but it's really early. Murphy was viewed favorably by 42% of NJ vs. 26% negatively. The rest felt indifferent one way or the other, which is maybe the real story of why this guy was elected.
We asked NJ 101.5 listeners to get even more specific. On Wednesday's show we asked them to come up with a grade and a description. The grade was to be a letter grade like we had in elementary school and the description only one word. So what grade and what one word description did our listeners have for Phil Murphy's first 100 days? It was far from good news for the new governor.
Luke: F, face
Melissa: C, hopeful
Cody: F, delusional
Tom: F, gungrabber
Carol: D, cultleader (poetic license here)
Jerry: F, moneygrabber
John: D-, predictable
Steve: D, motivational (as in motivated to leave NJ)
Lisa: F, taxitarian
Steve: A (a sarcastic A as he kept his dark promises), lemming
Ed: F, joke
Jim: F, phony
Ed: F, lost
Nancy: D-, traitor
Scott: C-, questionable
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