‘Ghosting’ is a new job market trend that’s come back to haunt you
It may be the hottest job market in decades and workers are calling all the shots, it seems. Some are even playing a little dirty.
It's called "ghosting" — employees blowing off scheduled job interviews, accepting offers but not showing up the first day and even disappearing from existing positions, all without giving notice.
In fact, many businesses report 20 to 50 percent of job applicants and workers are no-shows, according to USA Today.
Barbara Pachter, a business etiquette expert at Pachter & Associates in Cherry Hill, says people do this because it had been done to them. A few years ago when they were looking for a job and go on an interview, the company never got back them. So they are believing they can do the same bad behavior to the company.
"Someone else's bad behavior is no excuse for your own. So if a company in the past has ghosted you, doesn't mean that you can ghost them back," says Pachter.
She also says ultimately this bad behavior will catch up to you. Many professions are small networks and they talk. People get a reputation.
Since ghosting has become the "in" thing to do, says Pachter, many companies may be changing the way they interview and hire perspective employees. She thinks that companies need to make sure that what they say is what they do. For example, if they tell someone you're going to get an offer on Friday afternoon, then you let the person know that afternoon as promised.
Many times companies are telling one thing and then they don't follow through. On the flip side, employees must let companies know whether or not they are accepting a job offer or not.
Pachter says being respectful is key. If you're polite and respectful, chances are it will be returned to you.
"What goes around, comes around. So when companies have ghosted perspective employees in the past, it's coming back now to haunt them and that's not OK, either. So everybody needs to look at how they interact with people during the job search process," says Pachter.
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