When I was sophomore in high school, I started working at a gas station.  I figured, when it was time to get a car, at least I'd have the money. 

Sure enough, when the time came, I did.  Then I got to college and had to pay for my books, and again my job at the good ole' Amoco bought them for me.  I spent about eight years working in the food shop there and, yes, I pumped gas as well...

Even though that was more than 20 years ago and prices were considerably lower, I would still hear complaints about the price of gas.  I would watch my boss set the prices, almost on a daily basis, so that we could be competitive with the two other gas stations that shared "our" corner.   Not to age myself, but back then, prices were not quite $2.00 per gallon.  I was actually able to fill the tank on my Nissan Sentra for about $20.  Those were the days when you could put $5 in your tank and you actually saw the gauge move! 

These days, I find it a bit frustrating when I drive from station to station in search of the good deal only to find that the prices vary so greatly from pump to pump.  I find it even more frustrating when I have to shell out  $72 at one gas station and $68 at another to fill the tank on my SUV which used to fill up for even less.  It may be a difference of only $4.00, but it's still 4 bucks and it certainly adds up!  

I admit, I'm not the best "deal-seeker" there is and I wouldn't necessarily take a jughandle to go to the other side of the road to get the better deal.   But, when there are a few gas stations right in a row, I'd likely pull into the one with the lower prices. 

Next weekend, I may think twice about that and I may just hit the jughandle as prices are expected to near record-highs for the Thanksgiving holiday.  If you're planning to travel by car next weekend, tune in for my reports on Friday.  I'll give you all the details....

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