Gas stations, as well as customers, screwed by no self pumping
Last Saturday night I went to Walmart and much to my surprise, there were no cashiers. It was all being done through self-checkout. It was a little crowded the way it was set up but the long line moved really fast. No one complained and we all paid for our stuff and went on our merry way. I couldn't help wishing that gas stations in New Jersey could do that as well.
New Jersey is the only state that does not allow you to pump your own gas. Whenever I bring up the topic, I actually get hostility from some callers. But what if being allowed to pump your own gas could actually save you money? Huh? Huh? What about that??
Sal Risalvato is the executive director of the New Jersey Gasoline and Convenience Automotive Association and he heard me talking about this and called in to explain why we could save money if we pumped it ourselves. Basically the money saved in labor would drop the price despite whatever increase insurance would bring.
Then the argument comes up about the poor gas station attendant who will lose their job. Since when did working in a gas station become a supreme court nomination? Funny how no one seems to care about all those cashiers at Walmart who lost their jobs. In fact, Risalvato says gas station owners have trouble finding people to pump their gas and many are forced to do it themselves. It's not fair for them not to have the same self-serve options as other New Jersey businesses.
Gas prices are going to continue to rise and we need to be able to have every option at our disposal to keep them down. That includes sucking it up and pumping it ourselves. Personally I'd prefer it. How about you?
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