From Coast to Coast: Seaside Helps Seaside [PHOTO]
The spirit of helping others is not dead in this country, many have found ways to help those affected to raise funds for Hurricane Sandy Relief. I was recently contacted by a group from Seaside, Oregon and found out how they are planning to help their 'sister city' from across the country.
Gail Hand and her team (who also listen to Dennis & Judi everyday!) from 'Seaside Helping Seaside' visited Seaside Heights along with Mayor Akers, Chief Boyd and Michael Graischen last weekend. Now she is raising funds to find ways to help those affected by the Hurricane. Her first project is to build a new welcome sign for Seaside Heights.
While many may think that there are other things we can donate too, think about it this way. Every day you drive into Seaside Heights, you'll be able to see this sign which was made in Oregon from people who truly care about those who were affected. Plus you'll be able to see exactly where your money went!
They are looking to reach $10,000, and the first project will be the welcome sign. Please click here to visit their site and to find out more information. Also look below to see where Seaside, Oregon is (they even have a park closely named to Jim!)