Democratic Congressman Gottheimer Trolling For Votes
When you're fresh out of ideas on how to actually help make NJ more affordable, blame Trump and go for a quick sound bite. That's about the sum of what Democratic Congressman Josh Gottheimer is doing with his latest proposal to push back on the new tax overhaul passed recently by Congress and signed into law by President Trump.
His idea is simple enough, allow towns to create a charitable fund and let residents pay into the fund instead of paying direct taxes in order to deduct the payments on future taxes. What? Does he not understand how charitable contributions work?
On the surface this seems like something someone could go to jail for doing in the private sector. But for Government hacks, there are no rules, there is only the next election. I was joined on the air Wednesday by a sharp young mind who serves as the Vice Chairwoman of the Organization for Economic Growth. Katie Cericola wrote a thoughtful piece about the tax proposal and why it is simply ridiculous.
It's typical of NJ pols to push unworkable ideas to get a headline and make some news. The sad thing is that they never seem to have to accomplish anything positive for their constituents. Just blame Washington or Trenton and move on to the perks of office and the possibilities of becoming a rising political star and a member of the political elite. Not sure if Josh will have a credible challenge for his 5th district seat in 2018 but he should be forced to defend himself at the ballot box.
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