Dating in our 40s: Calling all the good guys — Forever 39 Podcast
Dating! There's no doubt the dating scene has its set of challenges at any age, but we think it's fair to say it's a whole lot tougher to find Mr. Right when you're in your 40s.
For starters, we've all been around the block a few times so we've got a pretty clear vision of what we're looking for in a partner — and it's not Mr. Almost Right.
And so while it's true that with age comes wisdom, it also comes with a whole lot of jaded people. Jaded because they went through a nasty divorce from a marriage that they thought would last forever. Jaded because they've kissed way too many frogs, and their princes still haven't arrived on their white horses. Jaded because they've had their fair share of wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am nights that they hoped would lead to something more, but never did. The list goes on and on.
Oh, and then there's those that aren't particularly jaded, but are just simply trying to add notches to their bedposts or porno collection. Perhaps those corny and insincere pickup lines worked at 24, but women in their 40s don't particularly have any interest in sending you a boob pic on a first date.
Another obstacle some might encounter while dating in their 40s is themselves! The older we get, the more set in our ways we get. And for some of us, makes it harder to keep putting ourselves out there when we're perfectly content to just go home, snuggle with our big orange tabbies and dream about Hugh Jackman.
And then there's the problem of actually finding someone to date! Thanks to the popularity of the internet, dating isn't like it was when we were in college. Instead of hitting the bars, now everyone seems to head to or one the dozens and dozens of other online dating services out there.
According to 2015 study by the Pew Research Center, 59 percent of Americans think online dating is a good way to meet people. In 2005, only 44 percent thought that. The popularity of online dating is on the rise for those in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s, according to the report, but it has nearly tripled for those in their earlier 20s.
But how successful is online dating?
The study found that 5 percent of people currently in a relationship met that person online. So while there's no doubt online dating has surged in popularity, and is working for some, there are those of us that still prefer finding someone that's not just a mouse click away. Now, if only Mr. Right (or Hugh Jackman) would show up in the damn produce aisle of ShopRite!
And for those of you navigating the dating scene in your 40s, here's some tips from eHarmony.
If you're in your 40s and dating in New Jersey, share your story with us at
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Also from this week's Forever 39 podcast — Growing up with siblings! PLUS: VIP experiences we'd love to have. Click on the podcast player above to hear the entire episode.
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— Annette and Megan, Forever 39
Join us for next week’s podcast when we chat about the questions you should ask yourself before ending a romance, back-to-school anxiety, and fall's top fashion trends.
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