Cops save cat in Union City
When I grew up in Union City, there was a lot of corruption. Even though things have changed we still have police officers "pussy footing" around, only in a good way. This story come from the Union City Police department Facebook page.
"To Protect and Serve All... even the tiniest creatures...
Officer Gonzalez and Officer Luscombe were walking back to their patrol car after a call for service when they found this little guy. This kitten was too small to care for himself, and mom was nowhere to be found. These two officers carefully brought this kitten back to our police headquarters. At the station, they ensured the kitten was warm. They held him in their arms and gave him some milk as they awaited animal control to arrive. Animal Control arrived where they took our new friend with them. Before leaving the station this little kitten was named "lucky" We were ensured they will locate a nice warm and playful home."
If by chance there are any Scrooges who have a problem with these officers caring for the kitty, they could just say they were investigating a ... wait for it ... 'cat burglar.'
Gov. Murphy, allegedly weighing in, says if the cat has any problem staying in Union City, we will provide lawyers to fight its deportation because "it's the right thing to do!"
Great job, officers. You made this native very proud!
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