Comic who recorded Philly reporter’s tirade ‘feels bad’ that she was fired
Wil Sylvince, the comic who recorded Colleen Campbell's vicious tirade outside the Helium comedy club in Philadelphia, called into the Steve Trevelise show to explain why he rolled on it in the first place and how he feels about the situation.
"I feel bad that she got fired," he said. "Two things I regret is that she got fired and that I didn't record it horizontally." So why record it at all?
"I thought she was about to drop the 'N-bomb' and I just wanted to capture that, but she never dropped it," Sylvince said. He said he thinks she's suffered enough and "it's crazy how it went down."
As for what actually happened inside the club Sylvince said the former reporter "claims she was whispering loud but she was talking loud." He said Campbell got three warnings about her behavior including one from him from the stage. "She was whispering loud and laughing."
Then outside the club, Sylvince said, "I feel like she did this before. She's privileged and got away with a lot of things, maybe cause she's cute or maybe because of who she is she has some power. She might be a local celebrity on television on the news and she gets away with a few things."
Sylvince says he did not make any money on the video, nor was he trying to make any money.
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