Christie backs gun study commission recommendations
Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie is backing the recommendations of a firearms study commission he created.
The plan calls for the state attorney general to have police departments establish uniform criteria for processing gun applications in New Jersey.
The New Jersey Firearm Purchase and Permitting Study Commission released its 25-page report Monday.
Christie says New Jersey's strict gun laws gave rise to complicated and unfair regulations.
The panel was created after Berlin resident Carol Bowne was stabbed to death, apparently by an ex-boyfriend who later killed himself after her firearm permit application was delayed beyond the statutory limit.
Christie created the panel by executive order in June before launching his presidential campaign.
The other recommendations included clarifying the legal requirement for residents to show "justifiable need" to get a permit.
(Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)
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