Choose your ‘I’m sorry’ gesture to minimize NJ road rage (Opinion)
On Monday, in reaction to a road rage incident on 287 in which police say a North Carolina driver brandished a gun at another motorist, I wrote this piece with my thoughts on what might go a long way in curbing this sort of road rage.
The idea is simple. If we could come up with a universally recognized gesture from one driver to another to convey “I’m sorry” when you accidentally do something stupid or cut someone off, I think it might defuse a lot of situations.
After the article hit the station’s website we brought the subject up on the air. (Yes, lol, for those who only read the website, there is a five hour radio show Bill Doyle and I do weekdays 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. on New Jersey 101.5.)
Many agreed that a universal “I’m sorry“ gesture could minimize a lot of road rage but no one seemed to agree on what that gesture ought to be.
The hour began with Bill Doyle offering his idea of jazz hands. He said his theory was who could be angry looking at something as fun and happy as jazz hands? As usual, still no one knows if Doyle was kidding.
Several callers dissed Bill’s jazz hands idea and offered their own. Among them were…
A salute. Yes, just like a military salute. Caller said it just made sense because this was a sign of respect. The only problem I see with that is when someone thinks you were a jerk to begin with they will probably think you’re being sarcastic.
Others said to pat your chest over your heart and try to mouth the words “My bad.” The problem? Mouth those words silently looking at a mirror. It could look like other things, such as “dumb ass.“
A Homer Simpson-like doh! gesture where you would slap yourself on the forehead was also suggested.
Others said we need an electronic sign built into your car to flash the actual words I’M SORRY. But you know some jerks will hack that system and display more choice, hostile words.
What if the only cure for road rage is NJ Transit? Well God help us all.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.