6 signs your spouse has lost interest in your marriage — Forever 39 Podcast
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Marriage is hard work! It's a statement we've heard countless of times before, and perhaps that's because all couples, no matter how perfect they are for each other, are bound to encounter problems in their journey as husband and wife.
But have you ever felt like you're the only one fighting to get your marriage back on the right track? Or does it seem as if your husband would rather spend the evening with his gaming systems than with you? Could these be signs he's checked out of the relationship?
Regardless of those ups and downs, all people want to make sure their significant other is present, not just physically, but emotionally as well. Even when the battle is a tough one, nothing is worse than feeling like you're the only one fighting for a victorious ending.
So if you're feeling isolated and alone, and not quite sure where your marriage stands, check out these six signs from the Huffington Post that could help determine whether your husband has disconnected from your marriage.
If you've ever gone through a rough patch in your relationship, but were able to resolve things for the better, let us know by emailing us at forever39@nj1015.com.
Also from this week's Forever 39 podcast — Bullying in schools - Is enough being done? PLUS: Can you pass the U.S. citizenship test? Click on the podcast player above to hear the entire episode.
Share your thoughts on all of them below, on Twitter, on Facebook or at forever39@nj1015.com.
— Annette and Megan, Forever 39
Join us for next week’s podcast when we chat about our top customer service annoyances, obsessive compulsive disorder, and our favorite chocolate bars!
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