Here's an article about Bruce Springsteen turning 65 next Tuesday and being at the top of his game. After all the praise it ends on a bit of a downer but that just makes it balanced. I think Bruce Springsteen is the most amazing artist of several generations and is a lyrical genius. I've joking called Bruce the "poet laureate of a blue collar generation", but not entirely joking. There's truth to that.

How long can he keep going? He's incredibly fit, more fit now than when he was 25, so who knows? I remember talking with Little Steven once when Clarence Clemons was still with us and we were talking about Clarence's back problems, then about everyone's growing pains as E Street was getting older. I asked if it almost got annoying how Bruce was so fit and I have to laugh remembering Little Steven sounding almost affectionately disgusted when saying, "Oh that guy man, he's ridiculous, he's impossible for us all to keep up with."

Here's a little birthday greeting for the Boss in advance:

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