Bizarre video shows undressed Trenton, NJ official get full-body massage at work
TRENTON — A video of a Trenton health official in her underwear getting a massage for cellulite removal at a city-run building has sparked an investigation.
City employees looked on as a masseuse gave Public Health Officer Yvette Graffie-Cooper the works. The health official was nearly naked, wearing only her undergarments.
Graffie-Cooper, a 19-year employee with Trenton, frequently changed positions in the five-minute video as the masseuse used different cellulite-reduction techniques. She can be seen bent over a table, laying on her back, standing, and sitting.
The video, now deleted, was posted to Facebook by WisdomBody on Feb. 24, 2022. It's unclear when the video was originally created.
Councilwoman Robin Vaughn, who sent the video to various news outlets including New Jersey 101.5, said it was filmed in a conference room on the second floor of the city Department of Health and Human Services building.
Vaughn lamented "illicit and immoral behavior on the back of taxpayers."
"The halls and offices in City Hall, under the state and Mayor Gusciora, flow with nothing but debauchery," Vaughn said in an email.
The West Ward councilwoman told NJ Advance Media that she has referred the video to the Mercer County Prosecutor's Office and the state Attorney General's Office. An MCPO spokesperson confirmed they are looking into the matter.
“The company was providing services not vetted by the government — it puts employees at risk," Vaughn said. "There’s a whole level of issues along with civil rights violations potentially. You have employees sitting there — her subordinates. Were they forced to sit there or even if they weren’t did they raise an issue? Were they retaliated against?"
Mayor Reed Gusciora's spokesman, Tim Carroll, confirmed in an emailed statement that Health and Human Services Director Adela Ames-Lopez is investigating.
"As soon as the city became aware of the video, the director began an administrative investigation," Carroll said. "As this is a personnel matter, the city reserves comment at this time."
But the mayor himself was more forthcoming with The Trentonian. He told the newspaper to "consider the source." Vaughn has previously received calls to step down from state officials including Gov. Phil Murphy for anti-Semitic and homophobic comments.
“She’s the last person who should be pointing fingers at somebody,” Gusciora said. “If it’s under the context of health, who am I to judge?"
South Ward Councilwoman George Muschal, however, told The Trentonian that the video and massage were "inappropriate."
"It bothers my wife. It’s nasty," Muschal said.
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