Bill Spadea to ‘idle’ millennials — Get off the couch!
Read a disturbing statistic today about one in four people between the age of 25-34 are considered "idle".
That means, not job, no school, just hangin' out...When you look a little further is turns out that 75% of those considered "idle" have no mental or physical disability, Couple observations...first, not fair or accurate to consider someone with a disability as "idle". Second, as an expert points out, most of that 3/4 are not happy with their situation. They;re not just sitting on the couch playing video games. Wait, am I hearing this right?
Are experts making excuses for those, young, capable men and women that we should give them a pass simply because they feel bad about themselves?!? Outrageous. Get off the couch. Step away from the gaming console. Go do something. How about digging a ditch? Ever hear of day-trading? Oh, maybe go volunteer at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter or recovery clinic. Bottom line is that if you are a healthy individual, there is simple no excuse for doing nothing. Maybe it's time to stop coddling people and making excuses for them.
How about a little #IdleShaming.
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