Why we bail on our friends, and they bail on us — Forever 39 Podcast
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You're all set for a night on the town ... and then that dreaded text comes. Your friend tells you she's bailing because she doesn't feel well. In reality, she just wants to stay in her jammies and binge watch "Stranger Things."
Has bailing gotten worse thanks to technology?
Sure, we're all guilty of bailing on someone. Sometimes you just don't want to go out, or maybe you finally scored a date with your dream guy. Whatever the reason, bailing on friends, family members and even our partners is a reality at times, but has it gotten easier to bail due to cell phones? You may remember that it wasn't too long ago that you had no choice but to pick up the phone to cancel. And who wants to talk to someone when trying to get out of something? Now you can send a text, an email, or even a message via Facebook. There are just so many ways to connect that disconnecting has become that much easier.
In July, the New York Times published an opinion piece by David Brooks called "The Golden Age of Bailing." In his piece, Brooks argues that there are three different categories of bailing: the canceling of friends, professional bailing, and the networker flake. Surely we've all got someone in our circle that fits into one of the three categories.
So why do people bail? Brooks thinks the reason why we're seeing so much bailing is because it speaks to a much larger issue — the decline of commitments in the face of modern technology, among other trends.
On this Forever 39 episode, Brooks' opinion piece is the foundation of an honest discussion about who bails, why people bail, and whether it's really ever okay to cancel on someone.
Are you a serial bailer? Are you honest about why you're bailing, or do you have an excuse at the ready?
Also from this week's Forever 39 podcast — New Jersey's hidden gems. PLUS: Your immediate turnoffs? Click on the podcast player above to hear the entire episode.
Share your thoughts on all of them below, on Twitter, on Facebook or at forever39@nj1015.com.
— Annette and Megan, Forever 39
Join us for next week’s podcast when we discuss Valentine's Day, things you're wasting your money on, and disappointing destinations.
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