Awesome adult drinks for people who hate alcohol
You've got to start thinking about your weekend drinking plans now. And when you're not really a drinker and not really a fan of alcohol it makes it a little bit more challenging to join in the fun.
Like me, a lot of our New Jersey 101.5 listeners like to drink but simply hate the taste of alcohol. So they came up with suggestions for some mixed cocktails to take the edge/bitterness/burn out of the alcohol (but still allow you have a fun night out and drink with your friends).
I know you may be thinking that if you have to try so hard to make an alcoholic drink taste like a non-alcoholic drink then why drink in the first place? Well, sometimes you just want to be like a grown-up and drink with your friends. If so, here's some suggestions for mixed drinks and alcoholic beverages that help you do that, courtesy of our listeners:
Bailey's Salted Caramel
Because who doesn't like Baileys (mixed with ANYTHING)! And together with the salted caramel you can get the taste of creamy caramel, too. (Sugar daddy, anyone?)
Prepared mudslide mix blended with ice
Basically all of this is is an adult chocolate milkshake..add more ice to make it even thicker.
Wild Turkey American Honey
This is all the yummy smokiness of bourbon without the sting! the honey sweetness of it really brings out the butter scotch-y toastiness.
7-Up with whiskey and lemon juice
A way to make any whiskey (even a cheap one) taste better is to cut the burn with lemon juice. The addition of 7-Up makes it sweet, but not too much so.
Ginger liqueur, bourbon 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
Similar to the above idea, ginger liqueur seems to also make the bourbon a little bit more palatable to non-alcohol lovers. You still get the yummy, smoky taste of the bourbon though.
Midori and pineapple juice
Here, you can feel like you're on vacation. It's sweet and tropical but, unlike a piña colada, it's a no muss no fuss option
Frozen rum, triple sec and Tang
This is my own creation because I was a huge Tang fan when I was a kid and still love it to this day. You can get a nice buzz from it but you hardly taste alcohol at all (especially when you rim the the glass with tang, too!)
Creamy key lime rum, Blue Curacao, and vanilla rum
Made with Kenny Chesney's Blue Chair Rum brand, this drink has been named "90 miles to Cuba." Another festive drink that will make you feel less "I'm a sad alcoholic drinking alone" and more "I love It here in Key West!"
Captain Morgan and Mountain Dew
If you really want to have an alcoholic drink but want it to taste a lot like a cream soda.
Have more drink ideas to get the weekend started? Comment below or let Judi know by tweeting @DennisandJudi or @NJ1015.
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