A rather personal question about your cell phone
Because I just set up my new iPhone 7 (no, I wasn't waiting for the iPhone 8 as I don't think I'll ever spend that much money on any phone), I read with great interest an article titled "Stop taking your gadgets into the bathroom" from USAtoday.com. The last think I want is to have anything go wrong with this phone when I'm so far away from an upgrade.
The article points out 90% of cell phone users bring their phones into the bathroom with them, whether it's while they're brushing their teeth, showering, or, eh, something else. Experts are saying your cell phone touches so many germs by bringing it in the bathroom it's ridiculous. They say consider that anything your phone touches it's like your hand touching, only you can't wash your cell phone with soap and water.
And here's a truly gross statistic. Your phone is probably carrying more germs than your toilet. In fact, a study done by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (that's a school???) shows one of every six phones contain fecal matter. Ugh. Still, you don't want your phone to land in one.
Which brings me to the rather personal question. While 90% of us apparently bring our phones into our bathrooms, how many of us have accidentally dropped our phone in the toilet? Even for a brief moment before you bravely, valiantly rescued it, did it ever happen?
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