8 of Jersey’s prayers that were answered
Last week a woman prayed to win the New Jersey Lottery and hit for 4 million dollars. I watched "Springsteen On Broadway" last Saturday and in his one man show, he recites "The Lords Prayer." Where once people hardly ever talked about prayers or praying, it seems like we're becoming more open about it. Could there be a better time for prayers? I pray every morning and before family dinner at night. I'd say most of my prayers get answered in the positive. When I asked what prayers were answered for you on my social media pages, here's what I got:
Jim Wine - "A job"
Perry Wolfe - "I prayed to find a woman to love and spend my life with, and The Lord answered with Sharon Wolfe."
Margaret Pizzolongo - "I was a struggling single parent years ago, cleaning out my closet and I found my grandmother's rosary beads and I prayed. And then I found $600 in an envelope under some clothes. Honestly I don't remember where it ever came from."
Anthony Mannino - "When I lose something, I pray to St. Anthony.
Yes, it has helped on many occasions."
Michael Lionel Rodia - "My 8 year old daughter, who is small, just received her 1st Holy Communion last Saturday. She prayed for an end seat so she could watch. Her prayers came true...she got an end seat..."
Robert Pisani - "I prayed to meet my High School sweetheart again. So now 43 years later, tomorrow night her and I will become Mr and Mrs. It’s Destiny"
David Hershey - "Many, Many times. I pray at least 3 or 4 times a day. Mostly for friends health. I have even prayed for your good health, Steve. Also I pray for our government to lead us to a safe end."
Teri P. Cox - "Yes - my prayers for loved ones and good friends; for positive outcomes in many situations; to help our national leaders guide our country forward with humanity, decency, dignity and morality and get beyond the divisiveness that's so destructive; for my continued health and safety; for guidance and answers to important questions; for important connections that seem unlikely; for finding lost items; to live long enough to accomplish important goals and travel to key places on my Bucket List...and to be blessed with another day. So far, so good!"
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