6 spring road trips for New Jerseyans — Forever 39 Podcast
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At the end of this month, hundreds of New Jersey schools will be closed for spring break. And while for some kids the annual week-long break is an opportunity to binge watch Netflix and play video games, for others it means taking a trip with the family.
Whether your plan is to hit the road or fly the skies, there's no shortage of options for families wanting to get away from the Garden State for a bit. And one of the best things about living in New Jersey is you don't have to travel far if you're looking for a new experience that won't break the bank.
In this Forever 39 episode, we talk to the editor of New Jersey Family Magazine about a list her team put together of six spring break road trips that are all within a five hour or less drive from New Jersey. "Spring Break Road Trips Your Crew Will Love," explores three road trips in Pennsylvania, two in New York and one in Virginia.
The comprehensive list not only offers suggestions on what to do and where to stay, but it also lists plenty of kid-friendly activities that will keep your children entertained for hours. And the team at New Jersey Family Magazine doesn't forget about the adults. The list also includes shopping recommendations, wineries and trendy restaurants.
If you're looking to get away, but don't yet have anything booked, one of these road trips might just be the perfect vacation for your family. Bon voyage.
Also from this week's Forever 39 podcast — What signals love for you? PLUS: Ten steps to being less judgmental. Click on the podcast player above to hear the entire episode. Share your thoughts on all of them below, on Twitter, on Facebook or at forever39@nj1015.com.
— Annette and Megan, Forever 39
Join us for next week's podcast when we discuss banning the best friend label in schools, the top 2018 spring fashion trends, and 10 ways to improve your sex life.
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