5 romantic films set in Jersey
Looking for a romantic movie to watch on Valentine's Day? How about one set in or about New Jersey? Well on this the 20th anniversary of The Wedding Singer in which Robbie's ditched by Linda who gave us the immortal line "I am never gonna leave Richfield" but finds love with Drew Barrymore's "Julia" comes four other romantic movies set in New Jersey in no particular order. Get your popcorn ready...
Jersey Girl - This early Kevin Smith film (2004) stars Ben Affleck as a man whose wife (Jennifer Lopez) dies at childbirth so he moves to Jersey to live with his father (George Carlin) and ends up meeting Liv Tyler.
Guess Who - This remake of the classic "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" shot in Cranford and Madison reverses the racial premise with Aston Kutcher, Passaic's Zoe Saldana and Bernie Mac as her father. Another reason to miss Bernie Mac.
Cinderella Man - New Jersey's real life version of "Rocky." This Ron Howard film is the true story of James Braddock, played by Russell Crowe, whose love for his wife (Renee Zellweger) and kids forced him back into the ring to fight the champion of the world because he "needed to buy milk." If you're looking for a film that a man can cry at as well, this could be it.
Something Wild - Jonathan Demme's off-the-wall 1986 romantic comedy starring Jeff Daniels as a straitlaced, yuppie banker whose wife leaves him. Then he's brought to Jersey by Lulu, a girl he met played by Melanie Griffith, who brings him home. It gets deeper when Lulu changes identities and becomes the blonde Audrey, and they encounter her ex-convict husband, Ray (Ray Liotta).
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