12 of the worst things about living in New Jersey (Opinion)
When Texas Governor Greg Abbot wrote a letter to a newspaper inviting New Jersey people to move there, I ended up with two hours of conversations with people who want to go anywhere but here.
So I asked why, and what the biggest problems wirth New Jersey are. These are some of the reasons I got.
Jeffrey Matthews: The people running the state
Fran Boyle: The corrupt politicians we always seem to have
Mike O'Donnell: Jughandles
David Hershey: Driving safely through Lakewood
Russell Bien: The guy in the left lane doing 55 — YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
Nick Palumbo Sr.: The high cost of EVERYTHING
Brian Startare: The property taxes that strangle us
Steven Srebrenick: The traffic
Karalynn Gerace-Greensweight: Too much overpopulation! Not enough open land!
Jenny Cat: Perpetual road construction. ... New Jersey is going to be a great state when they finish it!
Chrissy Biglin Harris: Everything except having someone pump your gas is great
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