10 things to say to a cop guaranteed to make things worse
After the release of Assemblywoman Maria Rodriguez-Gregg's video in which she curses at police and pulls the do you know who I am card, I thought New Jerseyans might need some advice. The Assemblywoman's behavior was a perfect recipe for being placed under arrest. If you want some pointers from her you can watch the police video above but we warn you it is not safe for work.
Maybe you're thinking hey, I want to be arrested or at least ticketed too, but I don't have the do you know who I am card to play. Never fear. I've come up with a handy guide of the top 10 things you can say to a cop that will be guaranteed to make things worse!
10. "Let me guess, no sex last night? Or is it just quota time again?"
9. "My taxes pay your salary, y'know."
8. "The guy who cuts my friend's cousin's hair has a brother who is a part-time cop in Seaside Heights so I'm gonna have your job for this!"
7. "Don't you have any real work to be doing?"
6. "Do I have any weapons or drugs in the car? Why sure, whatchya need?"
5. "Where am I going? Your mom's house."
4. "Do I know why you're pulling me over? I don't know, cuz you're a f#*&ing dou@$*bag?"
3. "As long as you don't open my trunk you and I will get along just fine officer."
2. "That uniforms a little tight on you, don't you think Captain Chubbs?"
1. "Assemblywoman Maria Rodriguez-Gregg is my sister."
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