You’re worried about what’s in vaccines? How about our food? (Opinion)
If you've been on the Internet this week — heck, if you've listened to the radio, turned on the TV or even left the house this week — you've heard a lot about vaccines.
Protesting parents scored a major victory this week, convincing enough state senators not to support a bill that would have eliminated a religious exemption to the state's requirement all public school students be vaccinated. While Senate leaders say it's a necessary public health measure, upset parents say they want control over what goes in their children's bodies.
Jim Gearhart sees a lot of sides of that debate, but he worries about something else we're putting in our bodies, much more often than vaccines — processed foods.
We're filling ourselves up with poisons every day, Jim says in this week's episode of his weekly Facebook Live show and podcast.
Between pesticides and preservatives and chemicals with mulit-multi-multi-syllabic names, Jim says, it's hard to know exactly what's in your food. Think you're doing well, buying organic?
"The government has been so lax in allowing people to use the name 'organic' on your product ... but you don't know," Jim says.
And Jim's convinced, it's what ails us ... interfering with the body's natural ability to stave off many diseases. So the food industry gets rich feeding us junk, Jim says, while the pharmaceutical industry gets rich helping clean up the mess.
And he doesn't see a way to change that.
"If I were thinking like God in the Old Testament, I would send a flood," Jim says. "It might be the old way out of this."
The Jim Gearhart show is LIVE on Facebook every Thursday at 10:30 a.m., at Got an idea for an upcoming installment of Jim's show? Meet Jim at to suggest it in the comments, or email
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That's just part of what Jim and Bob Williams take on in the latest installment of his show, also available as a podcast. Check out the full episode to hear the rest.
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Love Podcasts? This week, on Speaking Podcast: the gang goes behind the scenes at a wedding.
— New Jersey 101.5 staff. Includes prior reporting by Dan Alexander
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