Will your college degree turn into a top paying NJ job?
The debate will rage on forever. Is college worth it? Is it not worth it? Do I need college to be able to get a top-paying job?
The roundabout answer to all of that is simply that you're never going to get that super high-paying job right out of college. And your first job out of college is likely not going to be your forever job.
What a lot of young people fresh into the working world don't understand is that you have to WORK your way to the top to get to where you want to go. You don't start there right away.
I know, it sucks. And it's not what anyone wants to hear, but it's the truth. There are no free passes in the real world.
We recently did a topic on the station last week about whether or not callers work in the field they majored in. The overwhelming consensus was no. Some started out in their degree field, but then had their careers switch as they got older.
Some never even worked in their degree field from the jump. Once you start working, it can become a crapshoot where you end up.
But if you're in college or thinking about going to college and are wondering if you'll get a good job once you graduate, take a look at the 99 top-paying jobs in New Jersey.
The 99 top paying jobs in New Jersey
Sense a trend? An extraordinary amount, especially at the very, very top are jobs in the medical field. Granted not all fall into this category, but if you're looking to get into the top of the food chain for money, the medical field isn't a bad spot.
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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kyle Clark. Any opinions expressed are his own.
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