Why is Chris Christie like the Hindenburg? Jim Gearhart answers
What do Chris Christie and the Hindenburg disaster have in common?
"To me, there's a great deal of tragedy in both of these, because both had so much promise," Jim Gearhart says in the latest installment of the Jim Gearhart Show podcast, available here, on iTunes and Google Play. "Two very large blips on the radar of promise, both with with public appeal, a touch of glamour and what appeared to be clear sailing into historic achievements."
The Hindenburg was brought down by explosive gas and an electrical storm. Christie? By his "overweening ambition," Jim says.
And he mourns the loss of Christie's potential. He admired Chris Christie in the early days. All that leadership skill. All that political talent.
But there's no escaping the sense that Christie abandoned the people of New Jersey to chase the presidency or national offic. And "Hell hath no fury like a New Jersey electorate scorned," Jim says.
That's it's just part of what Jim takes on in the latest installment of his podcast. Check out the full episode below to hear the rest. Email Jim at Jim@NJ1015.com.
The Jim Gearhart Podcast is available every week on New Jersey 101.5 and in the New Jersey 101.5 app. You can also subscribe with your favorite podcasting app for iPhones, Android devices or your computer:
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— Townsquare Media staff
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