Who in their right mind would spend $138 to sleep in an elephant? (Opinion)
Courtesy of Matthew Reamer Photography
She’s a national landmark, the oldest roadside attraction in the U.S., and now she’s an Airbnb rental.
Who is Lucy The Elephant, Alex?
Lucy The Elephant, the six-story Margate attraction will be offered on March 5 on Airbnb for one night stays March 17, 18 and 19 according to this story by Jen Ursillo. For $138 you can stay overnight in this South Jersey icon which is furnished inside in a Victorian style replicating 1902 when it was actually used as a summer home.
Okay let’s have a reality check. I get that the Save Lucy Committee partnered with Airbnb to make this happen to promote their cause. But is this really how you want to spend a night in March? Even if you DID want to sleep inside a pachyderm for some strange reason, wouldn’t summer make more sense?
Are these amenities anything you’d accept from any other Airbnb? Let’s explore.
Now there is central air and there is heat, but there’s no running water. There will be a bathroom trailer provided with shower, toilet and sink for use. You need to exit Lucy down wooden steps in her back legs to use it. Does that sound like a dream getaway at 3 o’clock in the morning?
That $138 will also include dinner and breakfast at local eateries. So you’ve got that going for you. Why 138? Because that’s how many years Lucy has been at the Jersey Shore.
This is a limited time offer of just those three dates as this is a marketing opportunity to spread the word of Lucy’s good name. I admit, I don’t get it. This is glorified camping. Maybe it’s because I grew up in North Jersey. I remember the one year I worked in South Jersey how gaga everyone was over this ridiculous elephant, constantly asking me if I’d been to it yet like they couldn’t wait to share this secret with me. No. I’ve never been. And unless taken hostage will probably never be. I sure as hell won’t rent a place with no running water or bathroom, either.
But as Dennis Miller used to say, that’s just my opinion I could be wrong. So good luck sleeping inside an elephant!
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