What animals left these tracks on my driveway?
I grew up in Union County. Total suburbs. Nowhere near woods. So when I finally settled in Raritan Twp (or I'll often say Flemington as that's my mailing address) about a year ago it took a little getting used to having my back yard end at a large stretch of woods. Deer are everywhere and lots of other critters too.
So I realize I'm sounding stupid to anyone who knows their way around the woods when I ask what are these animal tracks? I assume these first two pictures are tracks left by a white-tailed deer. But when I looked up what those tracks are supposed to look like online they didn't really match these perfectly. Yet it has to be, right?
Then there's this one. Are these the tracks of a raccoon? Groundhog? Chupacabra? What are we talking here? No big deal here I'm simply curious because I don't know this stuff. If you're a boy scout, girl scout, hunter, outdoor type, help me out here and let me know.
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