Want to support our troops? Buy them a pair of socks
One of the most requested items by American troops serving around the world are ... socks.
Last year, then-Passaic County Clerk Kristin Corrado began a "Socks for Soldiers" drive.
This year, as a state senator from the 40th Legislative District, she's teamed up with state Sen. Christopher "Kip" Bateman, R-Somerset, to take it statewide.
Corrado said the awareness of the need for socks came from working with agencies such as Blue Star Moms, Adopt-A-Soldier and agencies providing help for homeless vets transitioning back into the workforce.
"But if you're serving overseas, you can't necessarily go to the store and buy a pair of socks, and if you're homeless, you don't have clean, warm socks. So there is a definite need for it," she said.
When Bateman announced his resolution calling on citizens to collect socks for the homeless on Valentine's Day, Corrado asked to partner with him on this project.
"It's an easy, inexpensive way that we can support those who sacrifice so much on our behalf," Bateman said.
Last year, 6,000 pairs of socks were collected. This year, Corrado and Bateman are hoping for double.
She says they are reaching out to mayors, schools, churches and businesses in order to make this a community project.
Corrado says the socks are going to troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and all over the world.
While the drive ends March 31, boxes will be kept at Corrado and Bateman's offices all year.
To donate, contact Corrado's office at 973-237-1360 or at sencorrado@njleg.org, or Bateman's office at 908-526-3600 or at senbateman@njleg.org.
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