Walk or Run for something special at the Jersey Shore
Last year, I was invited to promote and attend a 5K walk/run in Seaside Park for a great cause. We got a call from Patty Claus to get the word out about the Hugh Claus Memorial Run next Sunday, September 24th.
She lost her dad Hugh to Amyloidosis almost four years ago and has been active in raising money and awareness about this rare disease.
Amyloidosis occurs when enough abnormal protein, called amyloid, builds up in one or more organs to cause a malfunction. As an abnormal protein, amyloid originates in bone marrow. The heart, kidneys, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract are most often affected by the disease. The wide range of symptoms makes it difficult to diagnose.
Patty is a great charity minded person who could use our support. It's in a great location and the weather should be absolutely spectacular. You can walk or run and it should be a great time with some really great Jersey people. It's a great cause and I'd love to see her get a great crowd.
Late September is a perfect time to spend a Sunday at the Jersey Shore. When you're done the walk/run you might want to check out Island Beach State Park right next door, if you've never been....just sayin. It's a perfect time of year to check out this New Jersey treasure.
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