Top 10 ways working with Joe is different than working with Bill Doyle
As Deminski & Doyle fans hopefully know by now, Bill Doyle is back. After what he's been through with cancer and chemotherapy, he naturally will need to take off here and there just for a day to have some followup medical appointments. Wednesday is one of those days.
Wednesday will see Joe Votruba returning to fill in just as he did for the longer stretches Bill couldn't be here. How is it different working with Joe than working with Bill? Ah, let's see. Let me count down the ways.
Number 10. Doyle never wears shirts with giraffes on them.
Number 9. Joe always leaves the camera monitor on to admire his looks. Especially when wearing giraffes.
Number 8. Stolen food makes it into the studio much more often when Joe is here. (He'll eat things left in the lunchroom having no idea how many hours or days old they are.)
Number 7. I hear far less trucker music and far more Kanye.
Number 6. One word. Parkour. (Yes, for some reason during various insane bursts of unexpected energy Joe likes to think he can do parkour and begins jumping on counters and off walls and balancing on things he will one day kill himself on.)
Number 5. Less Jennifer Connelly talk, more hot guy talk.
Number 4. Doyle never spontaneously dances. Joe never doesn't.
Number 3. On Friday nights Doyle doesn't sit with his jacket on the entire last segment so he can get to the bar twelve seconds faster.
Number 2. No dated game show clips when three towns all have the same temperature.
And the number 1 way working with Joe is different than working with Bill Doyle. More bleeding ear drums from Friday night singalongs.