This NJ lawmaker says we should stop changing our clocks (Opinion)
It’s that time of year again. Falling back. Resetting the clocks for standard time.
What if you never had to do it anymore? And what if you left it on daylight saving time year-round?
This is the idea of State Sen. Shirley Turner. She’s been pushing this legislation for years and it is still State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Committee.
Imagine how weird this would be if we as a state were on daylight saving time and Pennsylvania to our west and New York to our east and north were on standard time. We would spend part of the year being the same time as them and another part being an hour later.
Think about that.
You could leave Manhattan at noon for a thirty minute drive through the Lincoln Tunnel and not get to New Jersey until 1:30.
Holy paradoxical time machine!
Seriously though, is this a good idea? Here’s how she justifies it in her legislation.
“The people of New Jersey have become more accustomed to the eight months of daylight saving time each year than the four months of standard time. Several studies have shown the biannual change between EST and EDT is disruptive to commerce and to the daily schedules, safety, and health of the citizens of the country, and therefore, the residents of this State.”
I’ve heard this argument for years but I have no actual anecdotal experience of loss of work productivity or seeing people having health issues just because of resetting the clock.
But Shirley Turner is far from alone. There are many other states that are considering the same thing in one form or another.
According to Jim Reed with the National Conference of State Legislatures, “In the last four years, 19 states have enacted legislation or passed resolutions to provide for year-round daylight saving time, if Congress were to allow such a change, and in some cases, if surrounding states enact the same legislation.”
Indeed a lot would have to happen first. Even if turners legislation passed it could not go into effect unless the feds allowed states to do it. And right now they don’t.
But imagine the dark-light cycle. Would it be better to have it lighter later in the day in the winter? But then again would it be worse to have it so dark late into the mornings of the winter months?
Take our poll below and tell us what you think.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.
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