NJ could end up on different time from NY and PA — here’s how
"Hey I'm leaving Elizabeth at 10:45 so I'll be at the meeting in Manhattan at about 10:30."
No, you didn't find a glitch in the matrix. You didn't find a space/time wormhole. You simply heard one of the things that will inevitably be said if a piece of New Jersey legislation becomes law.
While New Jersey and our neighbors New York and Pennsylvania gear up for "falling back" with the time change to standard time on Sunday, Nov. 6, state Sen. Shirley Turner has had enough. She calls the system "archaic" and last year she introduced legislation for New Jersey to remain on daylight saving time year-round.
Things like this usually see several legislative cycles before going anywhere, so think about what it would be like if this passes one day.
Would you get used to our Keystone neighbor to the west and our Empire neighbor to the north and east being on a different time than us for half the year? Then being synchronized with us for the other half?
What makes it clunky for a state like New Jersey is so many residents work in either NYC or Philadelphia. Imagine leaving for work at 8:50 a.m. and arriving at 9 a.m. yet your commute was an hour and ten minutes. It’s enough to give you a headache. Not to mention feeling like you’re losing an hour arriving back home at the end of every day.
Now of course if you live, work and play mostly in New Jersey, maybe you’d like this arrangement. More daylight at the end of the day year-round when people could better use it. You’re not exactly doing lawn work or kids’ sports or errands before work, right?
An even more acceptable (to some) solution might be found in federal legislation. The U.S. Senate passed the Sunshine Protection Act in March. Should this become law it would end the time change and permanently keep the entire country on daylight saving time. At least we’d all be on the same page, minus our many time zones obviously.
So what do you think? What should we do? Take our poll below.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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