This is the state people in New Jersey are fleeing to the most
There’s never a shortage of stories detailing the flight of residents out of New Jersey; well, now there’s a new one.
MoveBuddha says New Jersey is one of the top states sending folks to Florida.
Their latest dive into move data highlights that New Jersey is #3 for fueling moves into Florida in 2023. Similar to move data we've seen over the past few years, this new release shows that moves are continuing to exit New Jersey in 2023 and into 2024.
The top states moving to Florida are NY, CA, and NJ.
It's hard to compete with some of the nation's most populous states, but New Jersey does it by sending a large number of moves into Florida. Of all moves into Florida in 2023, California and New York each represent about 10% of the inflow, while #3 New Jersey sends about 6%.
Other states moving to Florida include Texas, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Ohio.
Why are they leaving? Fleeing the high taxes. New Jersey's high-income taxes, especially for property, are likely sending locals to Florida's low tax-burden beaches.
Fleeing the high home costs. New Jersey is home to some of the most expensive real estate in the nation, ranking #8 for highest home values as of December 2023.
Only California sees more exits than New Jersey in 2023. And it's not just to Florida, moveBuddha's Moving Trends Report found that New Jersey is a top exit state of 2023. For every 64 moves into the state, there were 100 out. Only California saw higher rates of exits.
Last person out, please turn off the lights.
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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