This is NJ residents’ favorite day to work from home
Remote work has become entrenched in the U.S., accelerated by the pandemic; people now can do their job from a coffee shop, a park, or, especially, from home.
According to NJ.com, NJ Transit polled commuters to find their favorite days for remote work.
In 2019, less than 5% of the workforce in New Jersey operated from home. This figure soared to over 22% by 2021, reflecting a more than fourfold increase as the pandemic necessitated a shift in work patterns; that number is around 17% now.
Remote work’s popularity in New Jersey is partly due to its high broadband penetration rate, facilitating efficient work-from-home setups. The state’s infrastructure supports a robust remote workforce, which is likely to continue growing.
The transition to remote work has had profound implications. Traffic patterns have altered significantly, with a noticeable reduction in commuters. This shift has not only affected the roads but also public transportation usage, which saw a decline from 11.6% to 5.9%1. The average commute time for New Jerseyans has decreased, suggesting a better quality of life for many.
According to NJ Transit, Fridays commuter travel was the lowest of any weekday, the survey showed. Rail commuters avoid Fridays the most, with only 13% of those surveyed indicating they travel for work that day.
As quoted by NJ.com, “Most travel on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday," said Susan O’Donnell, senior director of NJ Transit Business Analysis and Research.
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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