We all know driving in New Jersey can be quite scary. Not only are we the most densely populated state, but we also at times move at lightning speed. And we definitely showcase that kind of speed on our roads. But sometimes, the scariest moments on our fast-moving highways occur while crossing some of our many bridges.

Fortunately for us, none of our crossings were included in this list of the scariest bridges in the country. Although it does have to make you wonder, was New Jersey somehow overlooked?

Or, are some of these other bridges so terrifying that they actually make New Jersey's seem not so scary? Is that even possible? Before we look at a few New Jersey bridges that should be included in this survey, let's first look at the ones across the country that made the list.

Although one of the bridges included is used by Jersey motorists quite frequently, the bridge itself technically isn't in the Garden State.

These are Some of the Scariest Bridges in the United States

Do you have gephyrophobia? It's a serious issue that can alter travel plans at any given time. These bridges are some of the scariest in the country to avoid if you have anxiety issues. There are a number of scary bridges in America, but it really comes down to what scares you most, height, water, or both.

Gallery Credit: Barb Birgy

NJ Bridges

Nothing in New Jersey?

The Verrizano-Narrows Bridge is the closest we have on this list, affecting some New Jersey commuters. It is, however, a fairly narrow bridge that does close to travelers when winds are too strong due to sway, so it makes sense that this would land on the list.

However, there are a few more bridges that are in New Jersey that should definitely be included. Or at least, considered.

One of those bridges is actually a link to the Verrizano-Narrows Bridge when coming from the Jersey direction. It's one of the links that connects New Jersey to Staten Island.

Outerbridge Crossing
Outerbridge Crossing (Bud McCormick)

Outerbridge Crossing

Carrying NJ/NY 440 is none other than the Outerbridge Crossing. And if you've ever driven this bridge before, you know just how narrow it is.

In fact, an argument can be made that this bridge is actually scarier than the Verrizano Narrows that comes right after it when traveling to New York.

Plus the traffic volume is just insane. It's one of the reasons why the Outerbridge Crossing should be considered on the list of scariest bridges in the U.S.

Pulaski Skyway
Pulaski Skyway (AP Photo/Mel Evans, File)

Pulaski Skyway

Just a little further north from the Outerbridge Crossing is another bridge that carries U.S. Routes 1 and 9 over the Passaic and Hackensack Rivers. The Pulaski Skyway is just terrifying to drive. Not only is it very narrow with heavy volume, but it's also incredibly long.

Not to mention the amount of repairs this structure has been under in recent years. Yes, the bridge is historic, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a bit nerve-wracking for some commuters and drivers passing through.

With that said, it's not just major bridges to our north and east that are good candidates for this national ranking of terrifying crossings. Here's one that's further south and west within the Garden State.

Burlington Bristol Bridge at sunset
Burlington Bristol Bridge at sunset (Burlington Bristol Bridge Commission)

Burlington Bristol Bridge

Crossing the Delaware River just north of Philly is the Burlington Bristol Bridge. A major crossing from New Jersey to Pennsylvania that's known for big delays.

Big delays due to ships, that is. Although the bridge is very high up, to begin with, it still must open for even larger ships passing under below.

The bridge is also quite narrow which adds to the scare factor when driving across. Yet another good candidate to include on a national list of scary bridges (See what Dennis Malloy has to say about the Burlington Bristol Bridge here).

NJ Bridges

Your thoughts

Feel free to comment with your thoughts on what bridges you feel should be included on this list of scariest bridges in the U.S. There's no question that this list for the Garden State should be bigger than this.

As for the above? Well, they certainly should be included on the above national list. Or by the least, be considered for it (perhaps it's just the volume of traffic that makes these bridges seem more frightening than they really are).

Longest Bridges in the USA

The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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