The secret ingredient that could keep NJ diners open forever (Opinion)
Sometimes the answers are right in front of us. As we see more and more of our favorite diners close in New Jersey due to either the pandemic or the forever-rising cost of doing business in New Jersey, we also see how these closed diners could become home to marijuana dispensaries.
Here's a thought. Why not allow New Jersey diners to sell edibles? Why not allow these dispensaries to open their own diners? It would be even better than combining chocolate and peanut butter, which I suggest they serve.
Last December, I wrote about how the powers that be in New Jersey are looking to open marijuana bars, but they won't allow food to be served in them. Only in New Jersey could they be that ridiculous. If you're allowed to sell something that can make people hungry, why shouldn't you be allowed to sell them food?
The marijuana industry should be treated the same as the liquor industry. Why is it you can get food in a bar, but not at a marijuana bar? If New Jersey diners and restaurants had the ability to sell edibles, how much more revenue would that bring into their business?
While Gov. Murphy is trying to overhaul the liquor license laws, causing an uproar among those who paid those high prices for years, allowing food establishments to sell and serve edibles would be a much better alternative to businesses that can't afford to or don't want to get into the bar business.
Just think of what the menu would look like if these great diner owners, many of whom start out as chefs, were able to design dishes and desserts using the edibles that are sold in their own dispensaries.
As for those who are worried about what would happen should someone leave the establishment possibly driving under the influence, those same laws that cover those who leave a bar having had too much to drink and get behind the wheel would apply here as well.
We've seen enough great New Jersey diners close. Hopefully, when someone goes into a closed diner with the hopes of putting a dispensary in there, the light will go on. And I don't mean the one with the switch.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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