You might say I was a little surprised!

As I was perusing the internet for tonight's "Late Show" stories, I happen to notice from my bedroom window a car about to park, and 2 neatly dressed folks get out and approach my door.

Sensing that this might be a solicitation of one kind or another, and my curiosity getting the best of me, I ran downstairs to unlock the door, and there my curiosity was confirmed.

Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses....but not just any Jehovah's Witnesses!  These were Italian speaking only Jehovah's witnesses.

Interesting, I thought....they must have pulled my name out of a hat of Italian jibberish people in my area...because mine was the only doorbell they rang in the neighborhood!

After a few moments of pleasant conversation, I decided to take their magazine, and let them be on their way to find another like me in the area...which will not be easy, unless they want to visit the pizzeria or the salumeria down the road.

What wonders never cease to amaze and astound!

Buona fortuna!

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