The best New Jersey Halloween costume ideas for 2021
Part of the fun of Halloween when you're a kid is picking out the right costume. Actually, that may be the most fun for the parents depending on the age of the child. Later in life, said child will tell their therapist how Mom and Dad made them dress, but I digress.
If you're looking for a really great costume, why not try New Jersey?
Check out this "sightseer" from Wildwood and when you do, "please watch the tram car." If that doesn't put a lot of saltwater taffy in the bag, I don't know what does.
When I saw this I started thinking of other great Jersey costumes. I was once the proud owner of a Governor Christie mask, which got me both candy and rocks depending on whose house you go to.
The same thing happened to those who dress like Bruce Springsteen. Those who liked his music throw in full-size candy bars, then if the person starts talking politics, they take them out.
Snooki would be a great costume. For many, they already have what they need and that's scary.
Then there's Batman, whose Gotham City is somewhere in New Jersey.
I also asked my listeners and social media following and here's what we came up with.
Good news; If you use any of these you can keep all of the candy.
Jason Lee Sklar
"A White House sub."
Scott Soffen
"Tony Soprano."
Tim Aanensen
"Jersey tomato of course."
John Manzo
"Chris Christie’s beach chair."
Carlo Bellario
"A tube of Vagisil... won $500 1st place In a Halloween contest..."
Joanne Ginn Glassoff
"Gov. You-know-who."
Gloria Manchester
"Jersey Devil."
Kevin Kearney
"Dress as a toll booth."
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise. Any opinions expressed are Steve's own. Steve Trevelise is on New Jersey 101.5 Monday-Thursday from 7pm-11pm. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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